
Upcoming science talks / conferences

JWST high-z conferences

other upcoming talks / conferences I'm interested in:

Past talks & presentations;O=D -- (Powerpoint / PDF / Keynote), starting with most recent; also linked and described below:

1/28/25 -- STScI CoolSci -- JWST: One Giant Leap Towards Observing the First Stars PPT / PDF / video (my 18-minute talk starts 30 minutes in after Bethan and Larry)
1/16/25 -- AAS 245 DC: Reaching for the First Stars with Hubble, JWST, and Gravitational Lensing PPT / PDF
12/18/24 -- Introduction to AI language models incl. ChatGPT: slides (PPT / PDF)video (17 minutes)
11/13/24 -- Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series invited public lecture -- Observing with JWST: Glimpsing the First Stars (YouTube) / Powerpoint (1.8GB)
6/27/24 -- JWebbinar 33: JWST NIRSpec MOS Data Reduction
5/22/24 -- First Stars VII @ CCA Flatiron Institute, New York City -- What was I made for? JWST reaching for the First Stars Powerpoint / video on conference website under Videos: Day Three, Session One, beginning around 16 minutes in
4/30/24 -- Extreme Galaxies in their Extreme Environments at Extremely Early Epochs @ Reykjavik, Iceland -- Extremes revealed by lensing in the early universe
4/25/24 -- AlbaNova invited colloquium @ Stockholm -- JWST: One Giant Leap Towards Observing the First Stars Powerpoint (375 MB) / video on YouTube (50 minutes)
4/23/24 -- Cosmic DAWN Center Cake Talk @ Copenhagen -- JWST's Cosmic Gems: lensed star clusters at high-redshift
(3/ 11–15 / 24: co-organizer: ISSI Breakthrough Workshop: The chronology of the very early Universe according to JWST: the first billion years @ Bern, Switzerland)
6/24/24 – declined invited talk: A lens on globular cluster nurseries: how to compare optimally models and observations @ Sesto
1/17/24 -- STScI CoolSci -- Discovering the First Stars and Galaxies with JWST
10/20/23 -- GSFC-JHU interaction day -- Discovering the First Stars and Galaxies with JWST
7/10/23 -- JWST Turns One: The Birth and Growth of Galaxies @ Sesto -- JWST imaging and spectroscopy of lensed high-redshift galaxies and stars
6/16/23 -- JWST First Light @ MIT -- JWST imaging and spectroscopy of lensed high-redshift galaxies and stars
4/13/23 -- Michigan State invited colloquium -- JWST results on distant lensed galaxies and stars in the early universe
1/9/23 -- AAS 241 Seattle -- JWST Imaging and Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Galaxies Lensed by WHL0137 and MACS0647
12/12/22 -- First Science with JWST @ STScI -- JWST Imaging of Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies and the Earendel Star System Powerpoint (206 MB) / video on YouTube (15 minutes)
10/26/22 -- AURA board @ STScI -- First JWST Results on Distant Galaxies
9/19/22 -- Texas A&M (TAMU) invited Astro Seminar -- Early JWST Results on Distant Galaxies and the Lensed Star Earendel (215MB Powerpoint)
7/12/22 -- ERO JWST-HST slide show for Nobel Prize Museum event by Daniela Calzetti and Adam Riess @ Stockholm
7/11/22 -- Science with the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes VI  (delayed from 2020) @ Stockholm: JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strongly Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies and an Individual Star
6/14/22 Tues 2:10PM -- AAS 240 Pasadena: JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strongly Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies and an Individual Star
5/4/22 -- University of Maryland (UMD) invited colloquium: Observing the First Galaxies and a Distant Star with Hubble, Webb, and Gravitational Lensing
4/20/22 -- Clark University (virtually) invited colloquium: Observing the First Galaxies and a Distant Star with Hubble, Webb, and Gravitational Lensing
11/1/21 -- JWST Cycle 1 Science Sampler: "One of the First Galaxies, Magnified by a Cosmic Lens" for a general audience: Powerpoint / PDF / video
6/13/21 -- SAZERAC 2.0: "JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strongly Lensed High-Redshift Galaxies": Powerpoint / video
6/8/21 -- AAS 238 Science Writers Workshop: "Webb: Early Galaxies and Galaxies Across Time" Keynote / PDF
1/6/20 -- AAS 235: Spitzer and Hubble Revealed the Early Universe, Lighting the Way for JWST
1/5/20 -- AAS 235: RELICS
10/22/19 -- First Galaxies, First Structures (Paris): Lensed High-z Galaxies

9/13/18 -- JWST Cycle 1 Observations of Strong Lensing Clusters w/ Gabriel Brammer
9/4/18 – invited talk: The Universe as a Telescope – Milan

4/3/18 – declined invited talk: EWASS lensing Symposium #11

4/20/18 – invited talk: CCA/STScI workshop at STScI

6/26/17 – declined invited talk: EWASS lensing Special Session #19

5/15-18/17 – three talks at JWST Proposal Planning Workshop

3/22/17 – contributed talk: HST/JWST V

1/13/17 – invited talk: WFIRST WFI workshop in NYC

1/5/17 – contributed talk: AAS 229 in Grapevine, TX

9/23/16 – invited talk: Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile

4/9/16 – invited keynote speaker: Central Pennsylvania Consortium 36th Annual Astronomers’ Meeting at Gettysburg College

3/11/16 – contributed talk: Aspen Reionization meeting

3/1/16 – invited talk: Arizona State

10/21/15 – invited colloquium: Amsterdam

10/19/15 – invited talk: Leiden

4/30/15 – invited colloquium + lunch talk: Harvard

3/12/15 invited seminar: Rutgers

2/23/15 – invited talk: Science from the Frontier Fields – Sesto

11/19/14 – invited talk: Galaxies and Cosmology in Light of Strong Lensing – IPMU

11/12/14 – invited talk: Yale Frontier Fields Workshop

8/11/14 – invited tea talk: Caltech

7/4/14 – invited talk: EWASS special session: Cluster lensing and distant sources

5/9/14 – science coffee + galaxy journal club: STScI

4/15/14 – Colloquium: University of Texas at Austin

4/14/14 – Seminar: Texas A&M

4/9/14 – Workshop: KIPAC LSST/Euclid/H0LiCOW

3/19/14 – contributed talk: HST IV

1/27/14 – JHU wine & cheese

5/29/13 – invited talk: CosmoLens Marseille

4/17/13 – invited talk: STScI Cluster Lensing Workshop

3/24/13 – declined invited talk: SnowCLUSTER

3/17/13 – invited talk: Trento cluster conference
